更新时间:2023-08-13 23:42
Levi /ˈliːvaɪ/
Levi /ˈliːvaɪt/ (also Levite)
1.N the third son of Jacob and Leah and the ancestor of the tribe of Levi (Genesis 29:34) 利未; 雅各和利亚第三子,利未部落的祖先
2.N the priestly tribe descended from this patriarch (Numbers 18:21–24) 利未部落
1.N a descendant of the tribe of Levi who has certain privileges in the synagogue service 利未人; 利未后裔,在宗教仪式中行使某些特权 [Judaism]
Levis Levis 李维斯 ; 牛仔裤
Fiona Levis 菲奥纳·李维斯
Microtus levis 南方田鼠
Myleus levis 铅灰臼脂鲤
Levis Jeans 比如李维斯牛仔 ; 维斯牛仔裤
Levis qiao 乔经理
Mania levis 轻躁狂
Levis Converse 帆布鞋
stayreal levis 相关推荐