更新时间:2023-08-13 23:44
Ringing Soundscape 呼叫中的音域
soundscape notation 声景观表述
Soundscape China 音景中国
Soundscape components 声景观要素
Vancouver Soundscape 唱片名
SoundScape space 声景观空间
New Soundscape 书名
social soundscape 社会声音图景
This control over the mix of the entire soundscape is super important!在整个音效范围混合内的控制是极其重要的!
With their appearance there arises a new soundscape, which can be dynamically orchestrated by the user.随着他们的出现形成了一种新的声景,可以由用户动态地策划。
Hooking up those volumes and effect parameters to game logic is effectively having a master control over an entire area of the game's soundscape.在游戏逻辑上设置这些音量及音效参数是非常高效的,它可以在整个区域内,很好地控制游戏的音响范围。