更新时间:2022-05-13 17:47
Matthew Weiner 马修·维纳
Lawrence Weiner 劳伦斯·韦纳 ; 劳伦斯·韦尔 ; 劳伦斯·维纳
Russell Weiner 罗素·维纳 ; 总裁罗素·维纳
Mitchel Weiner 米·维纳
E Weiner 标签
Cyrille Weiner 西里韦纳
Matt Weiner 韦纳 ; 马特 ; 马特韦纳
Myron Weiner 标签
It would be impossible, she said, to imagine Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, doing anything like what Mr. Weiner did.这是不可能的,她说,去想想前南众议院议长希·佩洛西,她做过的事可跟维纳先生做过的别无他样。
You could get yourself a weiner dog that goes berserk from oil, but weiner dogs go berserk about anything, so it would be hard to tell, he joked.他开玩笑说:“你可以找来一条对石油很敏感的腊肠犬,但它会对所有东西狂叫不停,所以还是很难找到根源。”
Addendum: Mr Weiner, by the way, also gets points for straightforwardness by using a word politicians never use when they apologise: he said he lied.补遗:顺便说一句,道歉时维纳先生说了些作为政客从不会说的话,他承认他撒谎了,还是做到了坦白直率的。