更新时间:2022-01-16 18:48
V-T/V-I If you admit that something bad, unpleasant, or embarrassing is true, you agree, often unwillingly, that it is true. 承认 (不好、不快或尴尬的事实)
V-T If someone is admitted to a hospital, they are taken into the hospital for treatment and kept there until they are well enough to go home. 接收 (入院)
V-T If someone is admitted to an organization or group, they are allowed to join it. 接收 (加入)
V-T To admit someone to a place means to allow them to enter it. 准许进入
admitted value 认可值
Admitted intention 入住意向
was admitted 表示过去
Ready admitted 准备考入
Newly Admitted 新加入
Pato Admitted 帕托承认
Angelozzi Adminted 莱切承认
Liam Admitted 利亚姆承认
admitted liability 公认责任
He admitted driving recklessly.
He virtually admitted he was guilty.
He is newly admitted this activity.