更新时间:2022-12-15 18:18
Grinning Wickedly 笑嘻嘻恶
Act Wickedly 表现恶劣
wickedly ad 居心叵测地
hurt wickedly 疼得厉害
hint wickedly 邪恶地暗示
wickedly y 顽皮 ; 心眼坏地 ; 坏透地
wickedly detail 坏透地
Laughing Wickedly 嘲笑恶
Wickedly Cool Vinyl 最酷乙烯基
Martin grinned wickedly.马丁顽皮地咧嘴笑了笑。
It was for your sake I came; and it will be wickedly ungrateful if you refuse.为了你的缘故,我才来;如果你不肯的话,那太忘恩负义了。
We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly.我们与我们的祖宗一同犯罪。我们作了孽,行了恶。