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周林多项具有开创性的研究成果发表在Econometrica、Review of Economic Studies、Journal of Economic Theory和Games and Economic Behavior等世界顶尖的经济学研究期刊上。
1. Zhou, Lin, and R. Shao, 2016, Voting and optimal provision of a public good, Journal of Public Economics.
2. Zhou, Lin, and R. Shao, 2016, Optimal allocation of an indivisible good, Games and Economic Behavior.
3. Zhou, Lin, 2008, Nash implementation in pure public good economies, Economics Letters.
4. Zhou, Lin, and Y. Xu, 2007, Rationalizability of choice functions by game trees, Journal of Economic Theory.
5. Zhou, Lin, 2005, The structure of Nash equilibria for a class of two-person games, Economic Theory.
6. Zhou, Lin, and J. Bergin, 2005, Monotonic assignment rules and common pricing, Mathematics of Operations Research.
7. Zhou, Lin, G-Z. Sun, and X-K.Yang, 2004, General equilibria in large economies with transaction costs and specialization and division of labor, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
8. Zhou, Lin, and S, Ching, 2002, Multi-valued strategy-proof social choice rules, Social Choice and Welfare.
9. Zhou, Lin, and I. Ray, 2001, Game theory via revealed preferences, Games and Economic Behavior.
10. Zhou, Lin, and E. Ok, 2000, Choquet bargaining solutions, Games and Economic Behavior.
11. Zhou, Lin, and Y Sprumont, 1999, Pazner–Schmeidler rules in large societies, Journal of Mathematical Economics.
12. Zhou, Lin, and E Ok, 1999, Revealed group preferences on non-convex choice problems, Economic Theory.
13. Zhou, Lin, 1999, Subjective probability theory with continuous acts, Journal of Mathematical Economics.
14. Zhou, Lin, and A Rubinstein, 1999, Choice problems with a `reference' point, Mathematical Social Sciences.
15. Zhou, Lin, 1998, Integral representation of continuous comonotonically additive functionals, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.
16. Zhou, Lin, 1997, Nash bargaining theory with non-convex problems, Econometrica.
17. Zhou, Lin, B. Anderson, and W. Trockel, 1997, Non-convergence of Mas-Colell's and Zhou's bargaining sets, Econometrica.
18. Zhou, Lin, 1997, Harsanyi's utilitarianism theorems: general societies, Journal of Economic Theory.
19. Zhou, Lin, 1995, A characterization of demand functions that satisfy the weak axiom of revealed preference, Economics Letters.
20. Zhou, Lin, 1994, A new bargaining set of an n-person game and endogenous coalition formation, Games and Economic Behavior.
21. Zhou, Lin, 1994, The set of Nash equilibria of a super-modular game is a complete lattice, Games and Economic Behavior.
22. Zhou, Lin, 1994, A theorem on open coverings of a simplex and Scarf's core existence theorem through Brouwer's fixed point theorem, Economic Theory.
23. Zhou, Lin, 1993, A simple proof of the Shapley-Folkman theorem, Economic Theory.
24. Zhou, Lin, and W.Thomson, 1993, Consistent allocation rules in atomless economies, Econometrica.
25. Zhou, Lin, 1992, Strictly fair allocations in large exchange economies, Journal of Economic Theory.
26. Zhou, Lin, 1991, Impossibility of strategy-proof mechanisms in economies with pure public goods, Review of Economic Studies.
27. Zhou, Lin, S. Barbera, and H. Sonnenschein, 1991, Voting by committees, Econometrica.
28. Zhou, Lin, 1991, Inefficiency of strategy-proof allocation mechanisms in pure exchange economies, Social Choice and Welfare.
29. Zhou, Lin, 1991, Stable matchings and equilibrium outcomes of the Gale-Shapley's algorithm for the marriage problem, Economics Letters.
30. Zhou, Lin, 1991, A weak monotonicity property of the nucleolus, International Journal of Game Theory.
31. Zhou, Lin, 1990, On a conjecture by Gale about one-sided matching problems, Journal of Economic Theory.
32. Zhou, Lin, Zvi Safra, and Itzhak Zilcha , 1990, Risk aversion in the Nash bargaining problem with risky outcomes and risky disagreement points, Econometrica.
2018年10月,周林在南京审计大学作了主题为“Optimal Strategy-Proof Mechanisms in Quasi-Linear Models”的讲座。
周林曾任国际精英商学会协会(AACSB国际)理事会理事及其亚太地区顾问委员会主席;Mathematical Social Sciences和Social Choice and Welfare等期刊的副主编;曾到香港科技大学、香港城市大学、清华大学,以及澳洲、比利时、日本、西班牙的多间大学担任访问教授。