更新时间:2022-04-16 20:48
又名: International Social Science Journal
ISSN:1002-4913 单期定价:20元/期
刊号ISSN1002-4913 CN11-1212/C,季刊,16开,160-200页,逢季中月25日出版,2007年售价每册20元(国内价)。国内发行:北京报刊发行局 邮发代号:2-461;国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司(北京399信箱)国外发行代号:1381Q
International Social Science Journal was initiated by UNESCO in 1949. The Chinese edition, starting. from 1983, has been translated, edited and published by SSIC. Each issue of ISSJ is devoted to one singular subject of general interest, and the contributions by outstanding scholars from different fields present the up-to-date scholarship.