更新时间:2024-07-14 16:34
1997年9月—1998年8月,就读于美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学(The Pennsylvania State University)博士研究生。
2005年6月—2005年8月,担任美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)访问学者。
2022年4月,入选第1版中国植物科学与农学顶尖科学家排名(Top Plant Science and Agronomy Scientists in China);7月13日,代表中国女科学家在中国同中亚五国建交30周年妇女发展论坛做关于绿色低碳农业的主题发言。
廖红主要从事植物营养遗传学研究。创建了茶树优质高效生态栽培模式,入选 2021年农业部十项绿色发展技术。
2023年10月,廖红先后在《自然通讯(Nature Communications)》《美国科学院院报(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, PNAS)》等专业杂志发表论文200余篇。
3) Guo ZL, et al, Chen ZC, Liao H*. A natural uORF variant confers phosphorus acquisition diversity in soybean. Nature Communications. 2022.13:1-13
4) Li XX, et al, Zhong YJ, Liao H*. Shoot-to-root translocated GmNN1/FT2a triggers nodulation and regulates soybean nitrogen nutrition. PLOS Biology 2022.20(8):e3001739
5) Zhong YJ, et al, Li XX*, Liao H*. Cooperative interactions between N2 fixation and phosphorus nutrition in legumes. New Phytologist 2022.
6) Yang ZJ, et al, Li XX*, Liao H. GmPTF1 modifies root architecture responses to phosphate starvation primarily through regulating GmEXPB2 expression in soybean. The Plant Journal. 2021. 107, 525-543
7) Xu HY, et al, Zhong YJ*, Liao H. miR169c-NFYA-C-ENOD40 modulates nitrogen inhibitory effects in soybean nodulation. New Phytologist. 2021. 3377-3392
8) Li J, et al, Liao H, Ma JF*, Chen ZC*. Diel magnesium fluctuations in chloroplasts contribute to photosynthesis in rice. Nature Plants. 2020. 848-859
9) Sun L, et al, Liao H*. Aluminum is essential for root growth and development of tea plants (Camellia sinensis). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2020. 62(7): 984-997
10) Zhong Y, et al, Liao H*. Genetic traits and exogenous rhizobium synergistically regulate the assembly of soybean rhizobacterial communities. Plant Cell and Environment. 2019. 42:2028-2044
11) Chen L, et al, Liao H*. A nodule-localized phosphate transporter GmPT7 plays an important role in enhancing symbiotic N2 fixation and yield in soybean. New Phytologist. 2019. 221(4): 2013-2025
12) Qin L, et al, Liao H*. Adaption of rapeseed root to N deficiency revealed by 3-D quantification and proteomic analysis. Plant Physiology. 2019. 179: 329-347
13) Li X, et al, Liao H*. GmINS1, a candidate gene for a nodulation QTL, is a key contributor to nodule development in soybean. Plant Physiology. 2018. 178: 1233-1248
14) Xue YB, et al, Tian J* and Liao H. GmPHR25, a GmPHR member up-regulated by phosphate starvation, controls phosphate homeostasis in soybean. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2017. 68(17): 4951-4967
15) Sun LL, Tian J, Liao H*. Coordinative regulation of plant root development by phosphorus deficiency and aluminum toxicity through phytohormone signaling pathways. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2016. 67 (12): 3655-3664
16) Li XX, et al, Liao H*. GmEXPB2, a cell wall β-Expansin gene, regulates soybean nodulation through modifying root architecture and promoting nodule formation and development. Plant Physiology. 2015. 169: 2640-2653
17) Liang C, et al, Liao H*. Control of phosphate homeostasis through gene regulation in crops. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2014. 21: 59-66
18) Fang S, et al, Liao H*. Benfey P*. Genotypic recognition and spatial responses by rice roots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013. 110(7): 2670-2675
19) Tian J, et al, Liao H*. Bioengineering and management for efficient phosphorus utilization in crops and pastures. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 2012. 23: 866-871
20) 周志等, 廖红*. 一方水土养一方茶: 产地影响武夷岩茶品质的代谢组基础. 中国科学. 2019. 49.
21) 刘扬等,廖红*. 闻香识茶:武夷岩茶地域香代谢组及离子组基础. 中国科学. 2021.
22) 周志等, 廖红*.武夷茶区茶园土壤养分状况及其对茶叶品质成分的影响. 中国农业科学. 2019. 52(8): 1425-1434
23) 刘鹏等,廖红*.酸性土壤上花生高效根瘤菌的分离及应用. 中国农业科学. 2019. 52(19):3393-3403