更新时间:2024-09-30 17:22
2004年,获得北京大学理学士学位,之后前往普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)数学系深造,导师为罗伯特·邓肯·麦克弗森教授(普林斯顿高等研究院数学部赫尔曼·外尔教授)。
2010年—2012年,担任麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)数学系讲师。
2012年—2015年,担任斯坦福大学(Stanford University)数学系助理教授。
2016年,担任耶鲁大学(Yale University)数学系教授。
恽之玮在他的博士论文中建立了整体斯普林格理论,为朗兰兹纲领提供了新的视角。恽之玮借鉴越南数学家吴宝珠的想法证明了相对迹公式的基本引理,在恽之玮和吴宝珠及德国数学家Jochen合作发表在最顶级的数学期刊Annals of Mathematics的文章中,他们利用几何朗兰兹的理论构造了一些新的局部系统,解决了普林斯顿大学数学家卡兹(Nicholas Katz)的一个多年悬而未决的重要猜想。恽之玮还解决了例外李型单群的伽罗华反问题。
2018年,恽之玮受邀在世界数学家大会上作45分钟报告,报告题为《Hitchin type moduli stacks in automorphic representation theory》。
Jakob, K., & Yun, Z. (2022). Euphotic representations and rigid automorphic data[J]. Selecta Mathematica, 28(4), 76.
Bezrukavnikov, R., & Yun, Z. (2013). On Koszul duality for Kac-Moody groups[J]. Representation Theory of the American Mathematical Society, 17(1), 1-98.
Heinloth, J., Ngô, B. C., & Yun, Z. (2013). Kloosterman sheaves for reductive groups[J]. Annals of mathematics, 241-310.
Oblomkov, A., & Yun, Z. (2016). Geometric representations of graded and rational Cherednik algebras[J]. Advances in Mathematics, 292, 601-706.
Yun, Z. (2011). Global springer theory[J]. Advances in Mathematics, 228(1), 266-328.
Yun, Z., & Zhang, W. (2017). Shtukas and the Taylor expansion of L-functions[J]. Annals of Mathematics, 186(3), 767-911.
Yun, Z., & Zhang, W. (2019). Shtukas and the Taylor expansion of L-functions (II)[J]. Annals of Mathematics, 189(2), 393-526.
Lusztig, G., & Yun, Z. (2017). 𝐙/𝐦-graded Lie algebras and perverse sheaves, I[J]. Representation Theory of the American Mathematical Society, 21(12), 277-321.
Yun, Z., & Vincent, C. (2015). Galois representations attached to moments of Kloosterman sums and conjectures of Evans[J]. Compositio Mathematica, 151(1), 68-120.
Yun, Z., & Zhu, X. (2011). Integral homology of loop groups via Langlands dual groups[J]. Representation Theory of the American Mathematical Society, 15(9), 347-369.
Yun, Z. (2009). Weights of mixed tilting sheaves and geometric Ringel duality[J]. Selecta Mathematica, 14, 299-320.
Yun, Z. (2016). Epipelagic representations and rigid local systems[J]. Selecta Mathematica, 22, 1195-1243.
Yun, Z. (2014). The spherical part of the local and global Springer actions[J]. Mathematische Annalen, 359, 557-594.
Yun, Z. (2012). Langlands duality and global Springer theory[J]. Compositio Mathematica, 148(3), 835-867.
Yun, Z. (2011). with appendix by J. Gordon, The fundamental lemma of Jacquet-Rallis[J]. Duke Math. J, 156, 167-227.
恽之玮在麻省理工学院开设《Noncommutative Algebra(非交换代数)》(2020年秋季)。
恽之玮指导的博士生有Shotaro Makisumi(2017 Stanford, Ritt Asst Prof. at Columbia),Gurbir Dhillon(2020 Stanford, postdoc at Harvard and Gibbs instructor at Yale),Yau Wing Li(MIT),Andrew Salmon(MIT)Jianqiao Xia(Harvard)。