更新时间:2023-12-19 01:28
ball-pressure test
试件放置于水平位置,以20N压力压5mm直径钢珠作用于试件表面。此测试应在加热箱内进行,加热箱温度75°C ± 2°C。钢珠作用1小时后测量压痕直径。压痕直径大于2mm则试验失败。
The surface of the part to be tested is placed in the horizontal position and a steel ball of 5 mm diameter is pressed against the surface with a force of 20 N. The test is performed in a heating cabinet at a temperature of 75°C ± 2°C
The ball is withdrawn after 1 h and the diameter of the impression made by the ball is measured. An impression greater than 2 mm in diameter constitutes a failure.