更新时间:2024-05-09 10:28
2013 GPP“绿色造纸”国际高峰论坛将于12月5日-6日在上海召开,届时将会有来自国内外政府、协会、高校、企业、国际等各方面的造纸专业人士作为嘉宾参加会议,参会代表将有来自中国、美国、芬兰、德国、瑞典、英国、以色列、澳大利亚、意大利等十余个国家的代表参会,此次会议围绕“绿色造纸”这一议题展开,分别以政策、技术、国际、商洽等四个模块进行专题深入探讨造纸行业绿色环保的问题解决及发展机会,不但为所有国内外与会代表搭建一个学习交流的平台,同时为造纸企业及相关机构提供一个国际级的上下游产业合作洽谈的契机,将会是中国乃至全球造纸行业的一大盛会。
2013 GPP“绿色造纸”国际高峰论坛是由PMMCN中国造纸机械网与纸业沙龙共同承办,各省市造纸学会协会共同支持的高瞻远瞩而深度务实的国际峰会,《中国环境报》,《第一财经日报》,《商业评论》,网易,中国造纸机械网等媒体将对此次会议进行相关报道。本次大会将为造纸企业以及来自全球各地的纸浆、造纸机械、造纸解决方案、造纸化学品及废纸的供应商呈现一个独特而有价值的学习交流和沟通洽谈的机会。
With the eye-catching high economicgrowth,China has paid a heavy price for its environmental depredation andenergydepletion, Chinese government is attaching more and more importance toitsEnvironmental Protection, and it will take more rigorous measures to solvethedeteriorated pollution and growing energy challenges from paper industry.
Greener Pulp&Paper International ForumofChina 2013 will be held in Shanghai during December 5th-6th, 2013, itwillpersuasively and pertinently expound “Pulp&Paper of China”.GreenerPulp&Paper International Forum of China 2013 will be an ideal placetoaccess the insights of China and Asia paper market andcooperationopportunities, as well as to network with industrial leaders tocreate strategicalliances with Chinese and Asian partners. It will be the mostsignificant andinfluential conference and exchange platform for pulp&paperindustryplayers to meet face-to-face with delegates of industry leaders,governmentofficials, experts, senior executives from all over the world.
Attend GPP-IFC2013
An event designedfor Pulp&Paper industry seniorexecutives, suppliers and purchasers
The producer of Greener Pulp&PaperInternational Forum ofChina 2013 - PMMCN has partnered with China PaperAssociation, Shanghai PaperAssociation as well as Shanghai Paper Academe tohost a pioneering eventsituated in Shanghai, the business hub of the world'slargest paper market, itwill attract prodigious media exposure, the mediainclude leading papermagazines in China, China Business Newspaper, Xinhua Newsagency, BusinessReview, China Environment Newspaper, Shanghai TV, Tencent. Itwill represent aunique and powerful opportunity for the world's suppliers ofpulp, papermachinery, solution, paper chemicals and recovered paper.
Why attend GPP-IFC2013
Critical policies andtechnologies andbusiness opportunities are to be explored at the forum:
Who will attend