
更新时间:2024-01-28 11:51

长笛家NICHOLAS GUNN是一位很早就进入新世纪音乐圈的音乐家


从长发潇洒的Nicholas富有激情的The Sacred Fire到留一头精神而时尚的发型显得更有魅力的Crossroads,到现在简单的不能再简单的造型,留了一小撮胡子的Nicholas从岁月里看出了沧桑。


Nicholas Gunn的长笛永远是我最陶醉的乐器之一,略带涩音笛管里所发出的阵阵优美让人向往。作为一代Newage音乐大师的他由圣火一炮而红,大峡谷让他家喻户晓,十字街头更是让人流连忘返。每个成功音乐家都有自己的特点,Nicholas的音乐总是有着固定的节奏,一定音场范围,它属于自然,属于广大的空间。对于一直处于钢筋森林里的人们是一剂很好的绿色调味酒。滋润心灵的良药。

作为一个非常洒脱而充满灵犀动感的作者和演奏者,Nicholas Gunn一贯给了我们所永远可以随时品味和享受的音乐,而无需考虑当时的心情是阳光或者乌云的,因为Nicholas Gunn的音乐就是那样的流澈,清涓而仿似不沾染一丝人间的俗气,永远是那样的脱俗,干净而充满灵性。无论是耀眼的阳光下,他仿佛为一杯清凉而爽口的冰镇乌梅汁,可以舒服的更加感受阳光心情的快乐;也可以在乌云密布的悲哀失望时,更似一味心灵鸡汤,给你振奋,给你鼓励,不断的冲刷中,过滤掉许多的烦恼和忧愁,仿似站立在悬崖峭壁,神臂展望四周般的心血澎湃。作为一贯的Nicholas Gunn的清澈的音乐风格,贯穿在作者的所有作品中,或许这种灵感来自他亲临美国西南部的大峡谷后,但是,他几乎每张专辑都有其独有的个性和内涵,激动的,温存的。

专集《Afternoon in sedona》(1994)

1. Afternoon in Sedona

2. Traveler

3. Sedona Rising

4. Medicine Wheel

5. Michelle's Theme

6. Eye of the Vortex

7. Dance of the Eagle

8. Moondance

9. Voyage of the Butterfly

10.Fading from Existence

11.Endless Flight


13.Swept Away

专集《Sacred Fire》(1994)

1. Earth Story

2. Painted Desert

3. Tale Of Two Lovers

4. Equinox

5. Odessa

6. I Still Remember

7. The Sacred Fire

8. A Place In My Heart

9. Baile Para La Luna

10. She Walks In Beauty

11. Ruby Forest

12. Midnight Hour

13. Waking Hour

14. From Heaven To Earth

15. Ritual

专集《The Music of The Grand Canyon》(1995)

1. Moonlight on Havasu Creek

2. Entering Twin Falls

3. Flight over North Rim

4. New World n

5. Twilight

6. Phantom Ranch

7. South Rim

8. Four Worlds

9. Lost Tribe

10. Grand Canyon

11. Canyon Nights

注: 最为著名的一张专集~~~


1. Crossroads

2. Terra Nouveau

3. Universal Being

4. Quinta Essentia

5. Calling

6. Journey's End

7. New Dawn

8. Forever

9. Oasis

10.Soulful Eclipse

11.Return of the Butterfly

专集《Passion in My Heart 》(1998)

1. Indigo Skies

2. Gavilan

3. Pale Moon Rising

4. Indian Summer

5. Wishing Night

6. Guardian of the Flame

7. Desert Harvest

8. Passion in My Heart

9. Surrender

10. Eyes of the Wind

专集《Return to the Grand Canyon》(1999)

1. Return to Grand Canyon

2. Flight of the Condor

3. Kaibab Forest

4. Havasu Falls

5. Daybreak at Timp Point

6. Horseshoes Mesa

7. Greatest Wonder

8. Crossing

9. Navajo Story

10.Cottonwood Camp

专集《The Great Southwest》(2001)

1. Entering Twin Falls

2. Grand Circle

3. Earth Story

4. New World

5. Crossroads

6. Traveler

7. Tale of Two Lovers

8. Forever

9. Horseshoe Mesa

10. Idigo Skies

11. Riverside Walk

12. Flight of the Condor

13. Place in My Heart

专集《Christmas Classic》(2002)

1. Ave Maria

2. Angels We Have Heard on High

3. We Three Kings of Orient Are

4. Cori's Christmas

5. God Rest You Merry Gentlemen

6. Deck the Halls

7. Annabelle's Christmas

8. Silent Night

9. Joy to the World

10. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

11. Good King Wenceslas

12. Auld Lang Syne

专集《Through the Great Smoky Mountains》(2002).

1. Call Of The Wild

2. The Highest Point

3. Cades Cove

4. Chieftain's Song

5. The Place Of Blue Smoke

6. Azaela Sunrise

7. Trail Of Fears

8. Awakening

9. Ramsey Cascades

10. Passage Through Ancient Relics

11. Dance Of Light

专集《Journey to Yellowstone》(2003)

1. Emerald Spring

2. Canyons of Gold

3. Seeking Serenity

4. Rebirth

5. Gateway to the Past

6. Black Dragon's Cauldron

7. Nature's Cry

8. Where the Buffalo Roam

9. Verbena Haven

10. Sunrise in Hayden Valley


1. Breathe

2. Prelude

3. Embrace

4. Viaje Sagrado (Sacred Journey)

5. En el Templo Antiguo (Into the Ancient Temple)

6. Morada en el Templo Antiguo (Dwelling in the Ancient Temple)

7. Yearning

8. Deep Water Island

9. Rosarita Sunset

10. Apasionado Uno (Passionate One)

11. Bamboo


专集《Afternoon in sedona》(1994)

1. Afternoon in Sedona

2. Traveler

3. Sedona Rising

4. Medicine Wheel

5. Michelle's Theme

6. Eye of the Vortex

7. Dance of the Eagle

8. Moondance

9. Voyage of the Butterfly

10.Fading from Existence

11.Endless Flight


13.Swept Away

专集《Sacred Fire》(1994)

1. Earth Story

2. Painted Desert

3. Tale Of Two Lovers

4. Equinox

5. Odessa

6. I Still Remember

7. The Sacred Fire

8. A Place In My Heart

9. Baile Para La Luna

10. She Walks In Beauty

11. Ruby Forest

12. Midnight Hour

13. Waking Hour

14. From Heaven To Earth

15. Ritual

专集《The Music of The Grand Canyon》(1995)

1. Moonlight on Havasu Creek

2. Entering Twin Falls

3. Flight over North Rim

4. New World n

5. Twilight

6. Phantom Ranch

7. South Rim

8. Four Worlds

9. Lost Tribe

10. Grand Canyon

11. Canyon Nights

注: 最为著名的一张专集~~~


1. Crossroads

2. Terra Nouveau

3. Universal Being

4. Quinta Essentia

5. Calling

6. Journey's End

7. New Dawn

8. Forever

9. Oasis

10.Soulful Eclipse

11.Return of the Butterfly

专集《Passion in My Heart 》(1998)

1. Indigo Skies

2. Gavilan

3. Pale Moon Rising

4. Indian Summer

5. Wishing Night

6. Guardian of the Flame

7. Desert Harvest

8. Passion in My Heart

9. Surrender

10. Eyes of the Wind

专集《Return to the Grand Canyon》(1999)

1. Return to Grand Canyon

2. Flight of the Condor

3. Kaibab Forest

4. Havasu Falls

5. Daybreak at Timp Point

6. Horseshoes Mesa

7. Greatest Wonder

8. Crossing

9. Navajo Story

10.Cottonwood Camp

专集《The Great Southwest》(2001)

1. Entering Twin Falls

2. Grand Circle

3. Earth Story

4. New World

5. Crossroads

6. Traveler

7. Tale of Two Lovers

8. Forever

9. Horseshoe Mesa

10. Idigo Skies

11. Riverside Walk

12. Flight of the Condor

13. Place in My Heart

专集《Christmas Classic》(2002)

1. Ave Maria

2. Angels We Have Heard on High

3. We Three Kings of Orient Are

4. Cori's Christmas

5. God Rest You Merry Gentlemen

6. Deck the Halls

7. Annabelle's Christmas

8. Silent Night

9. Joy to the World

10. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

11. Good King Wenceslas

12. Auld Lang Syne

专集《Through the Great Smoky Mountains》(2002).

1. Call Of The Wild

2. The Highest Point

3. Cades Cove

4. Chieftain's Song

5. The Place Of Blue Smoke

6. Azaela Sunrise

7. Trail Of Fears

8. Awakening

9. Ramsey Cascades

10. Passage Through Ancient Relics

11. Dance Of Light

专集《Journey to Yellowstone》(2003)

1. Emerald Spring

2. Canyons of Gold

3. Seeking Serenity

4. Rebirth

5. Gateway to the Past

6. Black Dragon's Cauldron

7. Nature's Cry

8. Where the Buffalo Roam

9. Verbena Haven

10. Sunrise in Hayden Valley


1. Breathe

2. Prelude

3. Embrace

4. Viaje Sagrado (Sacred Journey)

5. En el Templo Antiguo (Into the Ancient Temple)

6. Morada en el Templo Antiguo (Dwelling in the Ancient Temple)

7. Yearning

8. Deep Water Island

9. Rosarita Sunset

10. Apasionado Uno (Passionate One)

11. Bamboo

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