更新时间:2023-11-28 19:13
阿拉帕霍语(英语:Arapaho / 阿拉帕霍语:Hinono'eitiit)是美洲原住民所使用的一种语言,使用范围基本上在美国的怀俄明州等地区。它是属于阿尔吉克语系阿尔冈昆语族的一种语言。
阿拉帕霍人分两大部族,北方部族和南方部族,北方部族生活在怀俄明州境内;南部部族生活在奥克拉荷马州境内,他们称自己为hinono' eiteen( 记“我们的人”)。
ííto' 'eet'oo3íteenoo
hínee noowúúhu' nihníí3oonou'u hínee nei3ébii Alonzo Moss
hínee noowuuhu' nihwon 3i'okuutonou'u tih'oo3itee3i' hínee noowunéno' heesheenetíí3i' nuhu'uunoh niis hinono'éítino' heetebinouhúúni3i'
hoowúúhu' woo3ééno' he'niinosou heenetí3i'
First I'll tell a story.
I went down there to Oklahoma with my brother in law Alonzo Moss.
I went down there to be with them.
When the Oklahoma people tell how they've lost our language, they are pitiful.
There aren't many who still speak it