
更新时间:2021-10-15 13:51

刘再华,中国科学院地球化学研究所研究员;中国科学院博士生导师;德国不来梅大学自然科学博士、博士后;中国地质大学工学博士。1999年度国家“百千万人才工程”第一、二层次人选;中国科学院“百人计划”获得者;国际水文地质学家协会(IAH-International Association of Hydrogeologists)地下水与气候变化委员会(CGCC-Commission on Groundwater and Climate Change)联席主席;国际岩溶研究中心(IRCK)学术委员会委员。




1985年8月 -- 1988年6月:中国地质大学(武汉),硕士学位,水文地质专业;

1992年9月 -- 1997年6月:中国地质大学(武汉),工学博士学位,水文地质专业;

1994年9月 -- 1996年9月:德国不来梅大学(Bremen University, Germany),自然科学博士学位,喀斯特环境地球化学专业。



















20余年来主持各类国际 (中德、中日、中澳、中美)、科技部、国家基金委和省部级项目20余项。主攻“岩溶作用动力学与全球变化”研究方向,发表论文120余篇,其中SCI论文35篇(含第一作者、通信作者30篇)。出版专著7部(含独著3部)。 主要学术成绩、创新点及其科学意义概括为以下两方面:

(一) 进一步揭示了岩溶作用动力学的控制机理

(二) 开拓了与岩溶作用动力学相关的三个新的研究方向

1. “岩溶水文生物地球化学过程的自动化监测研究”;

2. “考虑碳酸盐溶解、全球水循环和水生生物光合共同作用的全球遗失碳汇研究”;

3. “我国三大类钙华的成因机理及其气候环境意义研究”。



国外SCI刊物论文1. Liu Zaihua, Svensson,U., Dreybrodt,W., Yuan,D.X., & Buhmann,D., 1995. Hydrodynamic control of inorganic calcite precipitation in Huanglong Ravine, China: Field measurements and theoretical prediction of deposition rates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (IF=4.385),59(15):3087-3097

2. Liu Zaihua and Dreybrodt, W., 1997. Dissolution kinetics of calcium carbonate minerals in H2O-CO2solutions in turbulent flow: the role of the diffusion boundary layer and the slow reaction H2O+CO2«H+HCO3. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (IF=4.385), 61(14): 2879-2889

3. Liu Zaihua and He, D.B., 1998. Special speleothems in cement-grouting tunnels and their implications of the atmospheric co2sink. Environmental Geology (IF=1.078),35(4):258-262

4. Liu Zaihua, Zhao Jinbo, 2000. Contribution of carbonate rock weathering to the atmospheric CO2sink. Environmental Geology (IF=1.078), 39(9):1053-1058

5. Liu Zaihua,Zhang Meiliang, Li Qiang, You shengyi, 2003. Hydrochemical and isotope characteristics of spring water and travertine in the Baishuitai area (SW China) and their meaning for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Environmental Geology (IF=1.078), 44(6):698-704

6. Liu Zaihua, Chris Groves,Daoxian Yuan, Joe Meiman, 2004. South ChinaKarst Aquifer Storm-Scale Hydrogeochemistry. Ground Water (IF=1.831),42(4):491-499

7. Liu Zaihua, Chris Groves,Daoxian Yuan, Joe Meiman, Guanghui Jiang, Shiyi He, 2004. Hydrochemical variations during flood pulses in the southwest Chinapeak cluster karst: Impacts of CaCO3-H2O-CO2interactions. Hydrological Processes (IF=1.87), 18(13):2423-2437

8,Liu Zaihua,Daoxian Yuan,Wolfgang Dreybrodt,2005. Comparative study of dissolution rate-determining mechanisms of limestone and dolomite. Environmental Geology (IF=1.078), 49 (2):274-279

9. Liu Zaihua , Li Qiang, Sun Hailong, Liao Changjun, Li Huaju, Wang Jinliang and Wu Kongyun, 2006. Diurnal Variations of Hydrochemistry in a Travertine-depositing Stream at Baishuitai, Yunnan, SWChina. Aquatic Geochemistry (IF=1.306),12(2):103-121

10.Liu Zaihua, Li Hongchun, You Chengfeng, WanNaijung, Sun Hailong, 2006. Thickness and stable isotopic characteristics of modern seasonal climate-controlled sub-annual travertine laminas in a travertine-depositing stream at Baishuitai, SW China: implications for paleoclimate reconstruction. Environmental Geology (IF=1.078), 51(2):257-265

11. Liu Zaihua, Li Qiang, Sun Hailong, Wang Jinliang, 2007. Seasonal, diurnal and storm-scale hydrochemical variations of typical epikarst springs in subtropical karst areas of SW China:soil CO2and dilution effects.Journal of Hydrology (IF=2.433),337(1-2): 207-223

12. Liu Zaihua, Xiangling Liu, Changjun Liao, 2008. Daytime deposition and nighttime dissolution of calcium carbonate controlled by submerged plants in a karst spring-fed pool: insights from high time-resolution monitoring of physico-chemistry of water. Environmental Geology (IF=1.078), 55(6):1159-1168.

13. Dorale J. A., Liu Zaihua(通信作者), 2009. Limitations of Hendy Test criteria in judging the paleoclimatic suitability of speleothems and the need for replication. The Journal of Cave and Karst Studies (IF=1.37),71(1): 73-80

14. Sun Hailong, Zaihua Liu (通信作者), 2010. Wet-dry seasonal and spatial variations in the δCand δO values of the modern endogenic travertine at Baishuitai, Yunnan, SWChinaand their paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental implications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (IF=4.385), 74(3): 1016-1029.

15. Liu Yan,Zaihua Liu(通信作者), Jinliu Zhang,Yuanyuan He,Hailong Sun. 2010. Experimental study on the utilization of DIC by Oocystis solitaria Wittrand its influence on the precipitation of calcium carbonate in karst and non-karst waters. Carbonates and Evaporites (IF=0.32),25(1):21-26.

16. Liu Zaihua, Wolfgang Dreybrodt, Wang Haijing, 2010. A new direction in effective accounting for the atmospheric CO2budget: Considering the combined action of carbonate dissolution, the global water cycle and photosynthetic uptake of DIC by aquatic organisms. Earth-Science Reviews (IF=6.942), 99(3-4):162-172.

17. Liu Zaihua, Hailong Sun, Lu Baoying, Liu Xiangling, Ye Wenbing, Zeng Cheng, 2010. Wet-dry seasonal variations of hydrochemistry and carbonate precipitation rates in a travertine-depositing canal at Baishuitai, Yunnan, SWChina: Implications for the formation of biannual laminae in travertine and for climatic reconstruction. Chemical Geology (IF=3.407)273(3-4): 258-266.

18. Zhao Min, Cheng Zeng, Zaihua Liu(通信作者), Shijie Wang. 2010. Effect of different land use/land cover on karst hydrogeochemistry: A paired catchment study of Chenqi and Dengzhanhe, Puding, Guizhou, SWChina. Journal of Hydrology (IF=2.433), 388(1-2):121-130

19. Wang Haijing, Liu Zaihua (通信作者), Jinliu ZHANG, Hailong SUN, Dejun AN, Ruxian FU& Xiaoping WANG. 2010. Spatial and temporalhydrochemical variations of the spring-fed travertine-depositing stream in the Huanglong ravine, Sichuan, SW China. Acta Carsologica (IF=0.59),39(2): 247-259

20. Liu Zaihua, Wolfgang Dreybrodt, Huan Liu, 2011. Atmospheric CO2sink: silicate weathering or carbonate weathering? Applied Geochemistry (IF=1.961), 26: s292-s294

21. Jinliu Zhang, Haijing Wang, Zaihua Liu (通信作者), Dejun An, Wolfgang Dreybrodt, 2012. Spatial-temporal variations of travertine deposition rates and their controlling factors in Huanglong Ravine, China- a world’s heritage site. Applied Geochemistry, 27:211-222. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.10.005

22. Cheng Zeng, Vivian Gremaud, Haitao Zeng, Zaihua Liu (通信作者), Nico Goldscheider, 2011. Temperature-driven meltwater production and hydrochemical variationsat a glaciated alpine karst aquifer: implication for the atmospheric CO2sink under global warming. Environmental Earth Sciences,

国内重要期刊论文1. 刘再华, 贺殿彬, 1994.贵州乌江渡水电站灌浆廊道中钙华的两种成因机制. 科学通报, 39(12):1114-1117

2. 刘再华,袁道先,何师意. 1997. 不同岩溶动力系统的碳稳定同位素和地球化学特征及其意义¾以我国几个典型岩溶地区为例. 地质学报, 71(3):281-288

3. 刘再华, W. Dreybrodt. 1998. 流动CO2-H2O系统中方解石溶解动力学机制--扩散边界层效应和CO2转换控制. 地质学报, 72(4):340~348

4. 刘再华,袁道先,何师意,张美良,张加桂,2000. 地热CO2-水-碳酸盐岩系统的地球化学特征及其CO2来源.中国科学(D辑),30(2):209-214

5. 刘再华,袁道先,2000. 我国典型表层岩溶系统的地球化学动态特征及其环境意义.地质论评, 46(3):324-327.

6. 刘再华,2000.大气CO2的两个重要的汇. 科学通报,45(21);2348-2351

7.刘再华,2001. 一种特殊的碳酸盐沉积及其环境意义. 地学前缘,8(1):197-201

8. 刘再华,W. Dreybrodt, 2001. 不同CO2分压条件下的白云岩溶解动力学机理.中国科学(B辑),31(4):377-384

9.刘再华,张美良, 游省易,李强,2002. 云南白水台钙华景区的水化学和碳氧同位素特征及其在古环境重建研究中的意义. 第四纪研究,22(5):459-467

10. 刘再华,袁道先,何师意,曹建华,游省易,W. Dreybrodt,U. Svensson,K. Yoshimura,R. Drysdale, 2003. 四川黄龙沟景区钙华的起源和形成机理研究. 地球化学,32(1):1-10

11. 刘再华,张美良,游省易,李强,孙海龙,汪进良,吴孔运, 2004. 碳酸钙沉积溪流中地球化学指标的空间分布和日变化特征—以云南白水台为例. 地球化学, 33(3):269-278

12. 刘再华, 戴亚南, 林玉石,2004. 水化学和钙华碳氧稳定同位素方法在古环境重建中的应用. 第四纪研究,24(4):447-454

13. 刘再华,吴孔运,2006. 外源水中碳酸盐岩侵蚀速率的精确测定及其控制机理研究. 地球化学,35(1):103-110

14. 刘再华,Wolfgang Dreybrodt, 2006. 灰岩和白云岩溶解速率控制机理的比较研究. 地球科学,31(3):411-416

15. 刘再华,Wolfgang Dreybrodt,王海静,2007. 一种由全球水循环产生的可能重要的CO2汇. 科学通报,52(20):2418-2422

16. 刘再华,孙海龙,张金流,2009. 山西娘子关泉钙华记录的MIS12/11以来的气候和植被历史. 地学前缘,16(5):99-106

17.刘再华, Wolfgang DREYBRODT, 刘洹,2011. 大气CO2汇: 硅酸盐风化还是碳酸盐风化的贡献?第四纪研究,31(3):426-430

18. 刘再华,2011. 土壤碳酸盐是重要的大气CO2汇吗? 科学通报56(26):2209-2211.

19. 刘再华,2012. 岩石风化碳汇研究的最新进展和展望. 科学通报57(待刊)


1. 刘再华,1996. 贵州乌江渡水电站灌浆帷幕老化问题的研究,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,1-84

2. Liu Zaihua (刘再华), 1997. The Rate-determining Mechanisms for the Dissolution and Precipitation of Calcite in CO2-H2O Solutions with Turbulent Motion (流动CO2-H2O系统中方解石溶解、沉积的速率控制机制). 桂林: 广西师范大学出版社,1-135

3. Yuan Daoxian, Liu Zaihua,1998. Global Karst Correlation. Beijing:Science Press;Amsterdam:VSP,1-308

4. 袁道先,刘再华等,2002. 中国岩溶动力系统. 北京:地质出版社,1-275

5. 袁道先,刘再华等,2003. 碳循环与岩溶地质环境. 北京:科学出版社,1-240

6. 刘再华,Wolfgang Dreybrodt, 2007. 岩溶作用动力学与环境. 地质出版社,1-23








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